Dating & Marriage

Struggling to trust God in providing a life partner

I’ve had a few failed relationships and I seem to be unable to meet the right one. Friends or peers around me are all happily married with kids, and I feel like I am the odd one out. When I attend weddings, I genuinely share the joy of the couple, but I try not to be reminded of my singleness. Sometimes I struggle because I have been trying to be faithful to serve God and trust that he will give me the best, but my Mum (who is not a believer) especially wonders why my powerful God is unable to provide. How can I cope with my struggle to trust that God is good and believe that he wants the best for me, despite not seeing signs of the right one on the horizon?

Want To Trust God

At The Well

Li Ping says

Dear Want To Trust God,

I hear your pain and disappointment that God has not provided you with a life partner that you so deeply desire. I am also hearing your doubts about trusting God’s goodness, power, and perhaps, even his love for you.

The challenge with following Jesus is that he calls us to deny ourselves, take up our cross daily and follow Him (Luke 9:23). Taking up our cross is needed in this sin-broken world, because until Jesus comes again, some of our deepest desires may go unmet. For me, it has meant multiple miscarriages. For others, it may be a struggle with same- sex attraction. For you, in this season, it means being involuntarily single. God calls us to crucify even these deepest desires, because any desire that takes the place of God, is an idol. Would you be willing to surrender your desire to be married, so that in its place, you may desire God himself, first and foremost? As he purifies and heightens your desire for him, and you experience his goodness and love, will you then trust what he chooses to give you, be it a life partner or not, trusting that he knows best?

