At The Well

Like the Samaritan woman from John 4, we too may experience troubles in our relationships or encounter people who lead us away from how we hope to live.

Life-giving encouragement centred on God’s word brings hope and reconciliation. MM’s panel of counsellors will answer your relationship questions. Would you come and chat with us?



(most recent article of all four categories)


My daughter has gender dysphoria and wants a sex change surgery

My 17-year-old child has gender dysphoria. As my husband and I are Christians, we have tried our best to share with her about what the Bible says about sexuality and at the same time show her love and acceptance. She has pleaded with us to allow her to go for a sex change surgery and because we refused, she has become distraught and engages in self-harm. Our relationship with her has become very strained. We brought her to see a counsellor but the sessions end up as heated arguments because she will not accept our views and feels that we are imposing our Christian beliefs on her. As parents, we are at our wits’ end. It pains us to see her struggle mentally and emotionally. We also struggle with guilt and wonder how things have turned out this way. ~ Help

Dating & Marriage

Is it okay for my husband to give his female colleague a ride to work frequently?

My husband and I have been married for seven years and we have two children. Recently, I found out that he has been giving a female colleague a ride to work frequently. I found this out by accident when I saw a message coming into his phone which was left on the table, confirming pick-up time. When I asked my husband about it, he said this colleague lives along the way to the office and her husband was unable to send her to work on some days. He claimed that he picked her up only occasionally and he was just being helpful. I do not feel comfortable with this arrangement and told him so. Instead of respecting my wishes, he accused me of being controlling and insecure. I also found out that after a business trip they would share a taxi back together as our homes are close. While this sounds convenient, I am not comfortable with the thought. What should I do? Am I being difficult? ~ Concerned

At the Workplace

Double standards of WFO/WFH implementation

I’m one of 12 heads of department (HODs) in a 200-staff organisation. We have a hybrid arrangement and work from home two days per week. However, there are teams not following this corporate rule and which come to the office once or twice a week. The HODs have agreed to enforce this rule but only half are doing so. Meanwhile, the rule abiders are demoralised by the double standards and management’s ineffectiveness. In fact, one of the bosses seem to be condoning the flouting of rules. The senior management is aware but nothing’s been done. I feel conflicted as a believer because I want to show integrity, strong work ethics and values, but I can’t help but identify with the unfairness. What should I do? ~ Conflicted

Our Panellists

Benny Bong

Benny Bong has over 40 years of experience as a therapist, clinical supervisor and trainer. He also conducts regular talks and webinars. Benny has helmed MM’s You & Your Family column for more than 17 years and is a member of Kampong Kapor Methodist Church.

Rev Joey Chen

Rev Joey Chen is currently pastoring at Paya Lebar Methodist Church, and oversees the Family Life, Youth and Young Adult ministries. Prior to pastoring, Rev Joey had stints in the public and private sectors doing communications work. She is married to Andrew, whom she met in seminary.

Sue-Lynn Teo

Sue-Lynn Teo is a registered psychologist with the Singapore Psychological Society and is trained in Educational and Developmental psychology. She specialises in assessments and therapy work with children who have learning, behavioural, or special needs. She worships at Toa Payoh Methodist Church with her family.

Rev Tay Li Ping

Rev Tay Li Ping is the Pastor-in-Charge at Christalite Methodist Chapel. Trained as an Industrial-Organisational Psychologist before becoming a pastor, Rev Li Ping is particularly interested in the intersection of Psychology and Theology. She is married to Joseph and they have eight children (four biological, one adopted and three fostered).

Koh Ai Jin

Koh Ai Jin is a registered clinical counsellor with extensive experience in marriage and family counselling, mental health concerns and psychological trauma. She runs her own practice and also provides clinical supervision to a team of community counsellors.

