Women’s Society of Christian Service

The Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS) is an integral part of The Methodist Church in Singapore. All Methodist women who embrace its purpose and participate in its works are members of the Local WSCS. This also makes them members of the larger Annual Conference and General Conference WSCS.

The Women’s Society of Christian Service

70 Barker Road #06-05, Methodist Centre, Singapore 309936

Email: wscs@methodist.org.sg
Website: wscs.methodist.org.sg
Tel: +65 64784760

Programmes and Activities

The WSCS has various programmes and activities across the three conference levels providing a platform for women to be equipped in the areas of leadership and servanthood for the general ministry of the church. The four main pillars of the WSCS Ministries are centred on Discipleship & Nurture, Missions, Outreach & Social Concerns and Witness & Evangelism.

There are a total of 37 Local WSCS Chapters with 13 Local CAC WSCS Chapters, 8 Local ETAC WSCS Chapters and 16 Local TRAC WSCS Chapters.

For more information on the WSCS, please visit the website of the General Conference Women’s Society of Christian Service.
