Tamil Methodist Church (Short Street)

Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference TAMIL METHODIST CHURCH (SHORT STREET) Address: 8 Short Street (188214) Email: tmc1887@singnet.com.sg Website: www.tamilmethodist.sg Telephone: +65 63366148 (Office) WORSHIP TIMES AND PASTOR INFORMATION Worship Service: [Sunday] 8:45 (English), 10:30 (Tamil), 19:00…

Telok Ayer Chinese Methodist Church

Chinese Annual Conference TELOK AYER CHINESE METHODIST CHURCH Address: TA: 235 Telok Ayer Street (068656) TA2: 61 Wishart Road (098716) Email: admin@tacmc.org.sg Website: www.tacmc.org.sg Telephone: TA: +65 63244001 / TA2:…

Toa Payoh Chinese Methodist Church

Chinese Annual Conference TOA PAYOH CHINESE METHODIST CHURCH Address: 480 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh (319641) Email: church_office@tpcmc.org.sg Website: www.tpcmc.org.sg Telephone: +65 63533284 WORSHIP TIMES AND PASTOR INFORMATION Worship Service: [Sunday] 09:00…

Toa Payoh Methodist Church

Trinity Annual Conference TOA PAYOH METHODIST CHURCH Address: 480 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh (319641) Email: info@tpmc.org.sg Website: www.tpmc.org.sg Telephone: +65 62598644 WORSHIP TIMES AND PASTOR INFORMATION Worship Service: [Sunday] 8:30 (English),…

Toa Payoh Tamil Methodist Church

Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference TOA PAYOH TAMIL METHODIST CHURCH Address: 480 Lorong 2 Toa Payoh (319641) Email: tptmc.sg@gmail.com Website: www.tptmc.org Telephone: +65 91809052 (S Kumar) WORSHIP TIMES AND PASTOR INFORMATION Worship Service: [Sunday] 17:00 (Tamil)…

Trinity Methodist Church

Trinity Annual Conference TRINITY METHODIST CHURCH Address: 34 Serangoon Garden Way (555940) Email: churchoffice@tmc.org.sg Website: www.tmc.org.sg Telephone: +65 62824443 WORSHIP TIMES AND PASTOR INFORMATION Worship Service: [Saturday] 4:30pm (English, Contemporary),…

Wesley Methodist Church

Trinity Annual Conference WESLEY METHODIST CHURCH Address: 5 Fort Canning Road (179493) Email: mailbag@wesleymc.org Website: www.wesleymc.org Telephone: +65 63361433 WORSHIP TIMES AND PASTOR INFORMATION Worship Service: [Sunday] 7:30 (English, Traditional), 9:30…

Yishun Methodist Mission

Chinese Annual Conference YISHUN METHODIST MISSION Address: Office: A’POSH Bizhub, 1 Yishun Industrial St 1 #05-10/11 & #05-17/18, S(768160) Mailing: A’POSH Bizhub, 1 Yishun Industrial St 1 #05-10, Singapore 768160 Place…