
Lent: Fast and Farce

The challenge especially for well-fed Christians in Singapore is to reclaim the spiritual discipline of fasting, to set aside time to abstain from food and other indulgences, either as a…

The Bible mission in Singapore: A shared heritage

The Bible Society of Singapore (BSS) commemorated 190 years of local Bible mission work last year on November 16. BSS celebrated its rich Bible mission heritage that was founded by…

Haiyan: An on-going tragedy

In our December 2013 issue, we reported on the devastation wrought by the strongest typhoon recorded in terms of wind speed to ever hit portions of Southeast Asia. With 14.1…

‘Ministers and laity as one’

“It is imperative,” said the Rev Dr Chong Chin Chung, “that ministers and laity work as one.” As President of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC), he was giving his Address…

‘We are to be a lighthouse.’

SONY DSC In his inaugural Presidential Review, given at Ang Mo Kio Tamil Methodist Church last year, Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (ETAC) President Rev R. Prabhu steered the Conference to…

Another $1.1 million needed

Geylang Methodist School (Primary), which will be celebrating its 90th anniversary this year, is a mission field with a harvest waiting to be reaped, and it is in urgent need…


From left: Mrs Kelvyna Chan, Anglo-Chinese Junior College Principal; Joshua Jesudason; President Tony Tan Keng Yam; Mrs Mary Tan, First Lady; Mr Owyong Tuck Sing Victor, Fairfield Methodist Secondary School…

Disabilities in Church: How do we view them?

In October’s cover article, Methodist Message reported on the “Through the Cracks” Conference on Embracing Persons with Special Needs, held at Wesley Methodist Church (WMC) the month before. This follow-up article shares nuggets…