
Pastor Chan: Saved for dedication

“He was a man of prayer and would lead others in intercessory prayer every Friday in the church sanctuary. Every Lunar New Year, Pastor Chan would visit as many parishioners…

For the Children: A refuge, a safe haven, a future

Gerardine Nonis-Yap is the CEO of Chen Su Lan Methodist Children’s Home. A social worker by profession, Gerardine joined the Home in 2005. She worships at St Vincent de Paul Church.…


In the first of a two-part series on the topic of baptism, we explore its meaning, and the “who, what, when” of baptism for Methodists. Part two will address infant…

Living out Acts 4:32 today

people holding and sharing home made bread ** Note: Shallow depth of field “All the believers were one in heart and mind. No one claimed that any of their possessions…

My Aldersgate Tapestry Experience

I realise more and more how our churches and faith-based communities are keeping true to John Wesley’s advice: “Go to the people in need, especially those who need you most.”…

The best gift

The author reaching to touch her maternal grandmother’s niche in Cape Collinson Columbarium, Hong Kong. This morning, I paid my respects to my maternal grandmother in front of the niche…

Anointed by the Spirit of the Lord

young girl at sunset praise the lord The Scripture fulfilled When John Wesley took the significant step of preaching in the open air on April 2, 1739, the text he…

Meeting Christ in prison

Mention “prison ministry” and often the first thing that comes to mind would be: Why do I want to help people who have committed a crime when there are so…