
Bukit Panjang Methodist Church: Giving Thanks

The BPMC family with our special guest, Dr Vivian Balakrishnan (second row, centre, in light blue) Our church began humbly with a small congregation that worshipped in a charcoal shop…

Blessed Jesus, at your word

One of the prayers offered during worship is the prayer for illumination. It is a prayer for God’s Spirit to act through the reading and preaching of Scripture. It is…

Agape comes of age

Agape Methodist Church camp, 2019 This year, Agape Methodist Church (AgMC) turns 21, marking its coming of age since its first Sunday services in 1998. From inception to now being…

Walking to reinvigorate marriage

Over the last four years, around the middle of each year, around May and June, my wife and I have taken leave from work to do long walks together—about 20…

An Aldersgate Poem

In the dark recesses of the soul, Questions emerged to haunt the restless mind. Fickle companions, The comforts of familiar religion; Their words unable to touch the deepest part of…

Alleuia! Sing to Jesus

Ascension Day is the 40th day of our Easter journey. It was the day when Jesus ascended to heaven before His disciples’ eyes on the Mount of Olives (Acts 1:1–12).…