
Welcoming children as gifts

The past few decades have witnessed tremendous advances in the field of prenatal genetic screening. The new technologies that are being introduced promise to be game changers in the whole area of prenatal care.

Seeing the disabled in God’s image

In the past few decades, a number of churches across the different denominations have issued official statements calling their congregations to be places of inclusion and belonging, especially for people with disabilities. For example, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America, in a statement published in 2011, reminds its member churches that:

Saints in the marketplace

In the past few decades, there has been an avalanche of excellent books on marketplace ministry such as Every Good Endeavour: Connecting Your Work to God’s Plan for the World (2012) by the late Timothy J. Keller, and The Kingdom of God in Working Clothes: The Marketplace and the Reign of God (2022) by R. Paul Stevens.

Work as the Christian calling

In 1947, the famous British novelist, playwright and critic, Dorothy Sayers (1893–1957), made this sharp observation:

A faithful and unchanging God

The new year has dawned upon a world that remains restive and anxious. The wars in the Middle East and Ukraine continue to plod on with no end in sight, bringing immense suffering and death in their wake.

Marriage: Contract or Covenant?

Since the sexual revolution, which burst onto the scene in Western societies during the 1960s, the traditional understanding of marriage has fallen out of favour and many alternatives have been proffered.

A healthy theology of healing

One of the most influential voices in the Word of Faith Movement is that of the late Kenneth Hagin, who has been described as the father of the movement.

Reading, meditating, hearing and doing

Christians from across the different ecclesiastical traditions—Orthodox, Roman Catholic and Protestant—believe that the Bible is inspired by the Holy Spirit (2 Tim 3:16-17). The Church has always held the Bible to be the Word of God through which God and his purposes for the world are revealed.
