
Helping the forgotten, unloved and despised

“What does it mean to be a Methodist?” Even though I was privileged to attend a Methodist school and church for the better part of my life, I was always challenged to provide a satisfactory answer to this question.

Christ continues to write my life story

I was born into a Methodist family. My grandparents were strong believers and I was surrounded by many Christian relatives and friends. My brother and I attended church faithfully every Sunday, attending Sunday school and Youth Fellowship. My childhood was carefree.

Blessings of being in a small church

I count myself blessed to be able to experience both the warmth and personal touch of being in a small church, as well as have the opportunity to grow with a larger church body as a Methodist.

My experiences enabled me to connect with children

I accepted Christ at an altar call during a Christmas programme organised by The Boy’s Brigade (BB) when I was in Secondary 2. The officer-in-charge, David Chan, followed up with me and has been my mentor till today.

Innovation requires courage

I have been a Methodist for as long as I can remember. Despite growing up in a Methodist church, I had little comprehension of Methodism and hence,

The world is my parish too

To me, being a Methodist is to view the world as our parish. We can do this in three simple ways:

Doing good works and witnessing to the lost

I have been a member of Grace Methodist Church (GMC) since 1989. Before then, I had many opportunities to hear about God and salvation from different people of different denominations.

To Marry, Grow, and Serve

I was hopping from church to church (all non-Methodist ones) when I met a girl, Wendy, while on holiday with a few colleagues in Bali. About nine months later, I married her.

Living out Gods Word

Living out God’s Word

To me, being a Methodist is being deeply devoted to the Word of God and to the people of God, like how John Wesley and the members of the “Holy Club” gave themselves to diligently following his Word, disciplining themselves to honour God and to serve others.

Leaving a life of addiction

Leaving a life of addiction

My name is Hannah Chun and I am married with four children. I spend most of my time with my family and serving the Lord. I am a former drug addict.
