
I am the Potter’s clay

I came to know God during high school and entered a deeper relationship with the Lord after marriage. As I look back at my journey with God over the years, I can see two parallel activities—God’s work in me and his work in the field where he was going to place me.

Sowing gospel seeds in the young

I was born into a Christian family. My grandmother and mother brought me to church at a very young age. I loved attending Sunday school because of the many interesting Bible stories, the fun times I had with friends and of course, the nice goodies and prizes given out for active participation and regular attendance.

My love story with Jesus

I am a hopeless romantic, and Jesus must know this. One day in May 2003, a longtime friend texted me to ask if I would be interested in accompanying her to a dinner and dance by her cousin’s National Service unit. Her cousin’s platoon mate was looking for a date to bring to the event. I was single at the time so I gamely agreed. Little did I know that that would be the day that I would meet the earthly love of my life and eventually, my love for all eternity.

Leaning on God for greatness

My creative journey kicked off in my teens, after immersing myself in Comms and Media internships at age 16. Despite showcasing a portfolio I took immense pride in, a lingering emptiness persisted within.

An invitation that changed my life

In December 1997, at the end of my fourth year in secondary school, Mrs Chow Yook Wah, my accounts tutor, extended an invitation and generously sponsored me for Fairfield Methodist Church’s (FFMC) youth camp—an event that profoundly altered the course of my life.

I have a place in God’s plan

I remember distinctly the day I became a Christian. It was while I was reading the Bible as a teenager during family prayers. I was so overwhelmed with God’s love for me that
tears rolled down my face as I read.

Understanding the connectional church

As a former Malaysian, I served in the West Malaysia Chinese Annual Conference under the Methodist Church in Malaysia as a part-time journalist for their bi-monthly publication, Southern Bell. I also had a work stint in Hong Kong for about five years and served in one of the oldest Methodist churches in Hong Kong—the famous red brick church at Hennessy Road.

Studying the Word changed my life

I accepted Christ in my teenage years through the Girls’ Brigade and have been a Kampong Kapor Methodist Church member since 2019. To me, being a Methodist means being connected to a broader group of churches committed to making disciples of Christ: disciples who, being saved through God’s grace, bear testimony through pursuing holiness in all areas of their life. After all, as Wesley wrote, a Methodist is “one who lives according to the method laid down in the Bible”.

Are we doing enough to work together?

I’ve been attending Grace Methodist Church since my secondary school days, when I became a Christian through The Boys’ Brigade. Through the privilege of serving in leadership positions, and in various committees or workgroups at the Annual Conference, I became aware of strategic issues that were much bigger than the local church, which cannot be managed by local churches alone.

I’m a member of a large family

Being part of a Methodist church did not mean much to me when I was younger. But now, I realise that Methodist churches are part of a larger group. My church is part of the Chinese Annual Conference (CAC), which in turn is part of The Methodist Church in Singapore.
