
Mental health in the mission fields

Mental health issues in the workplace are such an important concern nowadays. Whether it is open articulation or implicit concurrence, when one talks about the workplace and mental health, the word “stress” comes to mind.

Counselling saved my life

When the Covid-19 pandemic struck and Singapore introduced the circuit breaker in April 2020, Bobby*, who worked in the banking sector, still had to report to the office to manage daily operations. His parents and parents-in-law, who normally helped care for his young children before the pandemic, were unable to assist during this time. Balancing work responsibilities and family life became exceptionally difficult for Bobby and his wife.

Giving hope to lonely seniors

Retiree Alice Cheng, 65, recalls the stressful, anxious nights spent lying in bed, straining her ears to listen for any cries for help from her late father during his final months. As his primary caregiver, Alice endured immense physical, mental and emotional strain while caring for him through end-stage Parkinson’s disease.

Final farewell: A daughter’s journey through grief

When Eunice Goh’s beloved father was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in June 2021, her world came crashing down. To the 32-year-old, he had always been her best friend, closest confidante and lifelong mentor.

Politics and John Wesley’s urban mission

The word “politics” is derived from the Greek word politiká, which means “affairs of the cities”, and is based on the word polis, meaning “city” or “city-state”. The main idea is about governance, organisation and the affairs of communities and societies. Enter John Wesley proclaiming, “The Gospel of Christ knows of no religion, but social; no holiness but social holiness.” I pray that readers here will include this Wesleyan norm for cross-border missions in increasingly urbanised fields.

Annual MMS fundraising banquet aims to raise $700k

Methodist Missions Society (MMS) will be hosting a fundraising banquet on 25 August 2024 at the Fullerton Hotel. The annual “My Father’s Business” banquet has been titled “Ask of Me” this year, based on the Bible verse in Psalm 2:8, with the focus on galvanising support for the mission in Thailand and other MMS mission fields.

“God pulled my mum out of death’s jaws”

“God, can you stop taking everyone I love away from me?” Karen Tang recalled praying this on the morning of 13 November 2021, after learning that her 75-year-old mother, Lilian, critically ill from a Covid-induced heart attack, had suffered another attack while in the hospital.

Not the typical tentmaker – MMS’ professional volunteer programme

Through the years, the SMS and many of our sister mission schools in the region have been blessed by the work of specialist volunteers from Singapore who have contributed a unique but precious resource—their professional expertise. These “professional volunteers” visit to spend time in our classrooms and commit to long-term activities to develop specific areas of school operations.

No longer facing financial and emotional battles alone

Growing up in a broken family, Irene understands the sting of being scorned and marginalised. Even at 51, she bears the invisible scars of relentless bullying and isolation from neighbours and classmates throughout her childhood years.
