Methodist Church

The Varna bell rings again …

VARNA (Bulgaria) – For more than 70 years, a beautiful bell rang in the tower of the Methodist Church in Varna, Bulgaria. From the time it was given as a…

The Upper Room continues to offer hope

NASHVILLE (Tennessee) – Randy, 45, was in prison for the second time. Struggling with addiction since his teens, he had stolen to buy drugs. “My life has never held much…

Mission work continues in Japan despite fears

NEW YORK – It’s planting time at the Asian Rural Institute in northern Japan, and members of the staff are in the fields when they are not cleaning up damage…

BBC puts focus on King James

BBC puts focus on King James MANCHESTER – Four hundred years later, the King James Bible still has resonance in everyday life. That is why the anniversary celebration of its…

DNA of New Zealand’s Wesleyan Methodists

WHILE THE WESLEYAN METHODIST CHURCH OF NEW ZEALAND is a relatively new Church, it can trace back its ecclesial roots a very long way! The British Wesleyan Methodist missionary, the…

United Methodists reclaim rich Russian history

ST PETERSBURG (RUSSIA) – In the midst of a brutal winter in 1921, with a heavy wrap gathered around her slight shoulders, Sister Anna Eklund became a familiar figure standing…

Korean Methodist Church elects new leader

BISHOP KANG HEUNG-BOK (above has been elected President of the Bishops’ Council of the Korean Methodist Church (KMC) at its General Conference. His installation was held on Aug 20. He…

Mahalia Jackson, legendary singer of gospel music

NASHVILLE (Tennessee)– We had one source of music at home when I was in grade school – a plastic, cream-and-brown coloured “record player” set atop a cabinet in my parents’…