Methodist Church

New Bishop for Malaysian Methodists

KUALA LUMPUR – On Oct 23, the Rev Dr Ong Hwai Teik was elected the new Bishop of The Methodist Church in Malaysia (MCM), succeeding Bishop Hwa Yung who has…

Health, wellness ‘central to John Wesley’s

DURHAM (North Carolina, US) – Health and wellness was an integral part of the ministry of the Rev John Wesley, the founder of Methodism, said the Rev Randy Maddox, a…

The Canon and the Apocrypha

BOTH JEWISH AND CHRISTIAN GROUPS have biblical books considered to be authoritative as Scripture. These books are said to be part of the “canon”. However, the canon differs from one…

Becoming partakers of the divine nature

10TH SESSION OF THE GENERAL CONFERENCE OF THE METHODIST CHURCH IN SINGAPORE: SEPT 3-8, 2012 “WHAT IS GOD’S PURPOSE for His people?” This question, which perplexed writer John Stott and…

Overview of Methodist Schools in Malaysia

KUALA LUMPUR – The early missionaries were actually the pioneers in establishing schools in Malaysia. ey were the church pastors and the school principals and teachers. Land was bought for…

Mysterious bones may belong to John the Baptist

SVETI IVAN (Bulgaria) – Claims that bone fragments unearthed by archaeologists at the site of an ancient church here belong to John the Baptist have been bolstered by experts who…

New Anglican Bishop for Singapore

THE RIGHT REV RENNIS PONNIAH has been appointed the Ninth Bishop of the Diocese of Singapore. e Most Rev Bolly Lapok, Archbishop of the Province of South East Asia, announced…

United Methodist Women granted autonomy

United Methodist Church General Conference 2012 TAMPA (Florida) – By a vote of 889 to 20, the General Conference made United Methodist Women an autonomous organisation within the United Methodist…