
Embracing the circuit breaker and beyond

A theological reflection by Bishop Emeritus Robert Solomon “I have destroyed nations; their strongholds are demolished. I have left their streets deserted, with no one passing through. Their cities are…

CYC: 300k Masks for Migrants

Designer Chia Link Kwee sewing a reusable mask. The team has researched and prototyped many different designs for the best possible fit. A household name since 1935, CYC Made to…

What does the LORD require of us?

Wesley MC’s online worship services are a tapestry of the unity between pastors, staff and lay people. Shown: our Traditional, Prayer & Praise and Mandarin Ministry Services. We conduct Youth…

“Circuit breaker” reflections

Care package sent by Min Qhee’s boyfriend Strength to fight the war When the Circuit Breaker (CB) period started, it felt like a missile launched into a war zone. As…

Worshipping in spirit and in truth

In John 4:24, Jesus is recorded as saying: “God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth.” (2011 NIV) Do you notice the minor difference…

Our Strength Every Morning

The title of the 2020 TRAC WSCS devotions booklet could not be more appropriate as we look to the Lord during this COVID-19 crisis. The Lord indeed is our strength…

Where two or three are gathered in My name

The Rev Goh Aik Hiang, Associate Pastor of Queenstown CMC, recording his sermon in an empty hall before the circuit breaker began on 7 April 2020 Church in a time…

Appreciating the unseen

Appreciating the Faith MC cleaners “Auntie, jiak ba buay?” That’s my best attempt at making conversation with one of the aunties in our cleaning staff. If the conversation goes on…