
Aldersgate SG Celebration Service

Love God by Loving Our Neighbour Clockwise from top left: Rev Dr Niam Kai Huey (Pastor-in-Charge of Sengkang MC); Dr (Mrs) Teo Li Bee (President of GCWSCS); Mr Jeffrey Lim…

Spiritual leadership

This article is extracted from a podcast interview with Bishop Dr Gordon Wong, “Spiritual Leadership”, by The Cathedral Podcast, set up and founded by St Andrew’s Cathedral Singapore, and is…

A church with a heart for His people

Kum Yan Methodist Church’s 103rd anniversary service Kum Yan MC celebrates 103 years In Kum Yan Methodist Church’s (KY) rich heritage of 103 years, I have been here for the…

Nasi Briyani Diplomacy

Interfaith dialogue hosted by Covenant Presbyterian Church “In times of crisis, the wise build bridges and the foolish build walls.” —King T’Challa, King of Wakanda. On 27 Jan 2021, it…

Handling anxiety

A class organised by TRAC BOSM A TRAC BOSM class In December 2020, the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) Board of Seniors Ministry (BOSM) organised a class to help our seniors…

Be still

TRAC WSCS ladies at the Lakeside After nearly a year without physical meetings, 99 TRAC WSCS ladies gathered for a morning of silence and solitude. No, we did not contravene…

ETAC WSCS Young Women Forum 2021

Zoom screenshot from the online ETAC WSCS Young Women Forum The ETAC WSCS Young Women Forum was held on 27 Feb 2021 via Zoom. It was attended by women between…


Care and Love Malaysians Malaysia brothers and sisters at the inaugural CALM event 2020 was a year like never before. So when we entered the year 2021, it was not…

Should we take numbers in Revelation literally?

Are there only 144,000 saints? Introduction COVID-19, for all its menace, serendipitously uncovered the presence of South Korean cult Shincheonji in Singapore.i Shincheonji proclaims its founder Lee Man-hee has donned…

Let the little children come

A new chapter for Methodist preschools The Rev Niam Lai Huey (left, PIC of SKMC) and Dr Moo Swee Ngoh (MPSPL Director) Methodist Preschool Service Pte Ltd (MPSPL) held its…