
Bedok Methodist Food Blessing Project

BMC members with RC representatives in Changi Village The COVID-19 pandemic has taken a toll on many families, upending livelihoods and causing financial and emotional stress. In view of this,…

A field missionary’s journey

Daniel with his parents at the opening of Little Candles in 2012 Sawadee Krup. My name is Daniel. I have been a missionary in Thailand with my wife, Sharon, and…

Prison Fellowship Singapore

PFS staff and volunteers Prison Fellowship Singapore Ltd (PFS) is a non-profit, inter-denominational fellowship of Christians who are committed to embracing prisoners, ex-offenders and their families in Singapore with God’s…

A breast cancer story

Carolyn Tan (photo by Jemanci Portrait) When I awoke on Saturday, 5 Sep 2020, the sun had been in my room for quite a while. It was the start of…

To walk by faith, not sight

Matthew Visuvasan Matthew Visuvasan, 66, was diagnosed with retinitis pigmentosa, a debilitating eye condition, in 2012. Matthew, who worked as a teacher’s aide at Anglo-Chinese School (Junior), realised then it…

The digital world, addiction and your child

Q: Hi, Dr Fung, can you please tell us about Internet addiction from a psychiatrist’s point of view, and also from a Christian perspective? A: We are now living in…

MSM Worship Symposium 2021: My cup runneth over

Panel 1 (English track) “WFH” (work from home) has become a buzzword, so when the Methodist School of Music (MSM) announced their 2021 Worship Symposium, I signed up immediately to…

Seeking your own Aldersgate moment

Bishop Dr Gordon Wong gracing the online event and praying that hearts would be receptive to the teachings for the evening The Aldersgate lectures have become an important component of…