
Am I ready for motherhood?

Am-I-ready-for-motherhoodDaryl and Ashley I’ve always had mixed feelings about parenthood. I’ve heard from friends about the sleepless nights of looking after their newborns, the “terrible twos and threes”, navigating the…

My ‘accidental’ encounter with Methodism

My wife and I “accidentally” stumbled into a Methodist church. While asking ourselves, “is that all there is to this life?”, we found ourselves attending a Sunday service at Kampong Kapor Methodist Church in 1997, at the invitation of a close family friend.

Meet Sharon Liew, who runs an inclusive dance school

Sharon Liew runs an inclusive dance school When Sharon Liew embarked on a career in dance in the 1990s, inclusive dance—that is, persons with disabilities (PWDs) dancing alongside persons without…

Encounter with the True God

Rev Saravana Kumar is a pastor at Sembawang Tamil Methodist Church “He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap.” Psalms 113:7 I praise…

Being a 4G Methodist

Sabina (second from left) and her family “But you, O Lord, reign forever; your throne endures to all generations.” Lamentations 5:19 My Methodist lineage is one that transcends generations. My…

More than burnt offerings

Marcus See When I joined the Ang Mo Kio Methodist Church (AMKMC) family in 2006, I took six months to get to know the people in church before plunging into…