
Why does God pursue us?

The underlying truth behind all spiritual disciplines and missionary endeavours is that God is the Divine Seeker. We seek God only because He has first sought us. At the end…

The Heart of the Matter

Commemorative plaque at Aldersgate Street in London, United Kingdom. In the spring of 1738, John Wesley had a life-transforming experience. An Anglican priest, he earnestly sought a holy life. As…

The Significance of Lent

Lent—or Lententide—extends over a 46-day period beginning on Ash Wednesday and ending on the eve of Easter. The word Lent probably comes from the Anglo-Saxon lencten, meaning spring, and the…

Striving in His perfection

If you judged him by his appearance, you might never guess Josephus Tan’s actual profession. You might think him a model for hair products with his long silky locks (he…

Equipping the saints, engaging the world

The Trinity Theological College (TTC) story was birthed in the crucible of suffering during World War II when Singapore was occupied by the Japanese. While interned as prisoners of war…

Labouring for the Lord

When we think about the head of a Christian denomination, we often imagine an aura of importance bestowed by the mantle of leadership. Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung will have…

Gone Forth. Going Urban.

Were you there? Did you stand among the over 2,300 participants, as well as hundreds upon hundreds of volunteers and speakers, representing more than 200 churches and Christian organisations? Did…

Regardless of race and religion

The Forum on Religious Harmony, organised by the Institute of Policy Studies (IPS), was held on the afternoon of 3 July 2018 at Furama RiverFront Hotel. This was not long…