
Covenant Community MC celebrates 25 years!

Anniversary Sunday combined service at MGS’s M. E. Lau Hall. In July 2019, Covenant Community Methodist Church (CCMC) began to mark the milestone of its 25th anniversary by embarking on…

Join the Micah Conversation

The Conversation was attended by ~250 persons from 100 churches, of whom a quarter were from 18 Methodist Churches. Together in God’s Mission—this was Bishop Dr Chong Chin Chung’s call…

Blessed are the Peacemakers

Imam Syed Hassan Al-Attas (fourth from right, in white) and his family opening their hearts and home to visitors from MCS and other faith communities on 5 June 2019 “We…

Understanding the Great Commission

The Methodist Festival Choir and Orchestra. Bishop Emeritus (BE) Dr Robert Solomon rounded off the three-day Aldersgate SG 2019 event with his sermon during the Celebration Service on 25 May…

A Task Unfinished: Together in God’s Mission

A time to celebrate, praise and learn. Methodists in Singapore gathered from 23 to 25 May 2019 to celebrate our Wesleyan heritage and commemorate what it means to be Methodist.…

Re-organising for the future

Organising ourselves better for service and growth Looking towards our Golden Jubilee in 2026 as an autonomous Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS), we thank God for His leading all these…