Coming Up

Trinity Theological College

Virtual Open House 2021 What’s it like to be a student at Trinity Theological College (TTC)?  Join us at our Virtual Open House 2021 to find out! TTC seeks to…

One Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength

Join us for our first ever MCS 135 Youth Conference, “One Heart, Soul, Mind and Strength” (1HSMS), where Methodist youths and friends will unite to love and serve God in…

Passing on a Godly Legacy

One MCS brings Methodists together with meaningful projects. This October, we unite Methodist fathers from all three annual conferences with the mission of nurturing our children as the next generation of…

Lent Prayer and Word

Lent Prayer & Word Recall, reflect and realign our hearts to God this Lent season. [vc_cta h2=”We want to hear your MCS 135 stories!”]How has your Methodist church / school…

MCS 135 launch

The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) was established with the founding of Wesley Methodist Church in 1885. As Wesley MC celebrates her 135th anniversary on 16 Feb 2020, it is…

TRAC Seniors Ministry Worship & Prayer Services 2020

[vc_cta h2=”TRAC Seniors Ministry Worship Service”] 8 Jan, 5 Feb, 4 Mar, 8 Apr, 13 May 2020 (Weds), 2.30 to 4.00 p.m. Faith Methodist Church, Worship Hall (Level 4)…

Trinity Theological College Open House 2020

Are you ready to begin the exciting journey of being formed for Christian service through theological education? Visit Trinity Theological College (TTC) at our Open House 2020 to find out! TTC…

A Season of Songs

Join the Methodist Festival Choir for this musical worship presentation that narrates the Christmas story in the Gospel of Luke. Through choral anthems, carols and congregational song, the service highlights…