Coming Up

VUCA 2021

What do you do when you are in circumstances that are Volatile, Uncertain, Complex and Ambiguous (VUCA) and feel that life is missing hope, meaning or purpose? Come and join…

Worship Symposium 2021: Flow

Why is flow so important in worship today? Does the order of worship we follow contribute or detract from the flow? How about the words spoken, the songs sung, the…

CAC Family Life Webinars 2021

From March to Dec 2021, CAC’s Board of Family Life (BOFL) will be holding a series of Family Life Webinars, themed “Build Up Your Family: Step-By-Step”. Ten CAC pastors and…

Love God By Loving Our Neighbour

It is recorded in the Synoptic Gospels that the two greatest commandments are to love the Lord our God with all our heart and mind and soul and strength, and…

MethodistWalk 2021

Pre-Walk launch on Saturday 30 Jan 2021 at Anglo-Chinese Junior College The MethodistWalk is a biennial fundraising activity organised by the Methodist Schools’ Foundation (MSF), on behalf of the Methodist…