It’s been over 365 days of job hunting and I am about to crash out. Automated replies are currently clogging my Gmail inbox. The only comfort is that my other pals are also down in the trenches with me.
Looking back at my life, I can see how God has been faithful to me on numerous occasions. God was with me as a lonely teen, giving me friends as I moved to a new country. God was with me in my academic pursuits, assuring me that he had a plan for me and helping me to graduate from university last year. God was with me as I grieved the loss of my grandma, providing timely comfort through his Word and his people.
As I recall all the ways God was with me in the past, I also recall how I often worried during those times. God’s plan always prevailed in the end, but as I look back, I could have been much more at peace had I sat still in the discomfort and remained confident in his faithfulness. I started to question myself: where is my trust if I am only assured of his faithfulness in retrospect?
I want to look back at my life and know that I trusted in God’s faithfulness even amidst uncertainty. As I navigate this season of job searching, I now know that God has been teaching me to remember his goodness and to put my trust in his timing.