I would not have known Jesus because it was only after I had listened to a message preached from the gospels that I gave my life to Him. Furthermore, I would have remained in doubt whether I had really become really a Christian without those assuring verses in the gospel and epistles of John.
If not for the first chapter of Joshua, I could have ended in the marketplace instead of the pastoral ministry. If it had not been for the foundation of God’s Word in my life, I could have wandered into excesses after I had a renewing experience of the Holy Spirit. I would have been spiritually malnourished with nothing to feed the people I was called to serve.
That could have been my life. I am also sure there are many others who would have a similar testimony. But I thank God for letting the Bible permeate my whole life and ministry.
When I first heard of Jesus it was in English, the dominant language during my growing up years. Studying and feeding on the Bible was essential to my deeper knowledge of God’s love, His plans and purposes—not just for me but for the whole world.
There are millions today who still do not have the Bible in their own languages. That is why I just could not refuse when I was invited to serve in a movement to get the Bible translated into every known language in the world.
illumiNations began with the purpose of making God’s Word accessible to every known language by 2033. Impossible? Not when Bible translating agencies began to collaborate and share resources in the same task that drive them. Furthermore, mobilising native speakers trained to use modern technology speeds up the process considerably.
What can hinder this goal? For decades the work of Bible translation was resourced largely by the West. However, many countries in Asia today have become developed nations, with their Christian resources still untapped for this work. Asian Christians must step up to the challenge.
illumiNations Asia invites you to partner with us to hasten the day when people “from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb” will cry out “Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!” (Rev 7:9, 10)
More information about the campaign can be found on pages 10 to 11 of the Sep 2020 issue of Methodist Message.
The illumiNations Asia “Imagine Life Without the Bible” campaign runs until Nov 2020. Visit https://www.illuminations.asia/imagine-public.html and register to watch the digital campaign, so that you can better understand the power of the Bible in one’s heart language.
What can you do to help the 1 billion people in the world who are trapped in Bible poverty?
- Give a chapter—if 1189 of us give a chapter each, together we can give one full Bible to a language group in Asia.
- Host a video gathering for your family, friends or cell group—illumiNations Asia will provide you with all the resources you need.
- Invite your friends to join this movement by sharing it.
Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup was Bishop of The Methodist Church in Singapore from 2012 to 2016. He is currently a Pastor at Paya Lebar Methodist Church.