Features, Highlights

SKMC worships together once more

Worshippers undergoing health screening before being allowed to enter SKMC.

During phase 2 of Singapore’s reopening, 50 people at a time (excluding worship leaders and supporting workers) were allowed back for services on 26 June 2020. Later, the Ministry of Culture, Community and Youth (MCCY) announced that 12 places of worship would be allowed to hold gatherings of up to 100 people from 7 Aug onwards, as the government eased some of the COVID-19 control regulations.

Sengkang Methodist Church (SKMC) was one of four churches selected for the pilot programme, which permitted on-site gatherings of up to 100 people. They opened up this expanded capacity for worship service on 22 August, which was took place alongside continuing live-streamed worship services. Precautions were taken to ensure that worshippers remained safe.

If you would like to sign up for SKMC’s Holy Communion service (with places subject to the 100-person limit), visit https://tinyurl.com/skmcreg4hc. Let’s continue to work together towards safely gathering once more!

There are two separate zones in the worship area
that house a maximum of 50 people each .

By the MCS Communications Team / Photos courtesy of Sengkang MC

