The Methodist Fathers Movement (MFM) celebrated its second anniversary on 15 October with a Passing on Faith event at ACS Barker Road. Since MFM was birthed during the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, this was MFM’s first in-person gathering. Close to 140 fathers and their families were present to commemorate this significant milestone.
Dr David Ang, Chairman of MFM, began the meeting by acknowledging God’s faithfulness in establishing and sustaining the movement: “This convergence of the Methodist movement and the fathering movement is truly of God for his glory alone. We are heartened that many fathers have been meeting online each week for the past 104 weeks to pray, encourage, and spur one another on in the faith.”
Minister Dr Vivian Balakrishnan and Bishop Dr Gordon Wong, who were both overseas, had pre-recorded exhortations as well as congratulatory messages. Minister Dr Balakrishnan shared that the best gift a father can give to his children is to love their mother and reminded fathers to be good stewards of their family, and Bishop Dr Wong beseeched fathers to pass on the faith by spending time with their children through his moving rendition of the song Cat’s in the Cradle.
Bishop Emeritus Dr Wee Boon Hup delivered the keynote and shared vital principles of passing on faith from the book of Deuteronomy. He implored individuals to instruct children and to internalise the Word of God, whilst avoiding the pitfalls of prosperity, pursuing idols, and testing the Lord. Event emcee, Mr Bernard Lim, challenged everyone to write down what God was impressing upon their hearts to undertake and to commit themselves to raising strong, godly families.
Thereafter, a video clip of testimonies showcasing the 1972 Clock Tower revival legacy was screened. Mr Quek Peck Leng recollected the revival and its impact on fathering in Singapore. He appealed to the fathers (and mothers) to be gentle with the next generation and to leave room for the Holy Spirit to do something fresh and powerful. Mr Jason Wong outlined how God had initiated and divinely established the Elijah7000 prayer movement amongst fathers and how fathers are to “be the voice for those without a voice”. The amplifying and uniting of families and churches was akin to streams coming together to form a mighty river to accomplish his purposes for the generations; reciprocally, four young men representing the next generation were invited on stage to be prayed over. One of them, Evan Leong, shared: “It was such a blessing to witness how God moves fathers to strengthen the importance of family in their respective spheres of influence—from each individual home to a whole nation and beyond.”
Mr Peter Tan concluded the session by leading the participants to kneel in repentance before the Lord and to pray for one another as guided by the Holy Spirit.