
Malaysian church archivists visit MCS

The Malaysian visitors with their Singaporean hosts at the MCS Archives and History Library.

Visit by the Council of Archives and History, The Methodist Church in Malaysia

A DELEGATION FROM THE COUNCIL OF ARCHIVES AND HISTORY (CAH) of The Methodist Church in Malaysia (MCM) visited the Archives and History Library in the Methodist Centre on March 6, 2012.

Led by Ms Aileen Khoo, a retired Diaconal Minister of Trinity Annual Conference in the MCM, the group of 12 visitors consisted of representatives from the CAH, as well as Moderators from the Boards of Archives and History of the six Annual Conferences of the MCM.

The purpose of their visit was to conduct a study tour of our Archives and History Library and the National Archives of Singapore. A team of hosts led by the Rev Malcolm Tan, Chairman of the Council on Archives and History of Th e Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS), welcomed the visitors.

He introduced his colleagues to the visitors, and asked for a minute of silence in memory of the late Mr Earnest Lau, Archivist of the MCS, whom some of the visitors had met on their previous visit here in October 2001.

Ms Jenny Ng, the Assistant Archivist of the MCS, then presented the history and work of the Archives and History Library, and led the visitors on a tour of the library, located on the 4th fl oor of the Methodist Centre. Th e guests had the opportunity to view various aspects of archival work in the MCS, including the climate-controlled storage room and the microfi lm machine which allows for compact storage and easy access of materials.

Gifts of archival materials and souvenirs were exchanged between the Singaporean hosts and their Malaysian guests, with the Rev Tan expressing his desire to acquire more commemorative books and magazines produced by MCM churches for their anniversaries and other celebrations. Later, the visitors viewed the Methodist Heritage Day Exhibition along the 3rd level corridor of the Methodist Centre, with some snapping pictures in appreciation.

After a hearty bento lunch, the visitors went on to visit the National Archives of Singapore as well as the Heritage Corner of Wesley Methodist Church.

Ms Khoo expressed the group’s appreciation to their Singaporean hosts for their “Singapore-style hospitality” and for “taking all the trouble to make our trip so exciting”.

Workshop participants interacting with the two facilitators (Ms Hee, standing
right, and Mrs Tan, standing left). – TRAC Board of Seniors Ministry picture.

Seniors encouraged to lead like Jesus

THE TRINITY ANNUAL CONFERENCE (TRAC) Board of Seniors Ministry conducted a two-day “Lead Like Jesus” workshop on Feb 14 and 15, 2012.

Held in Sophia Blackmore Hall at the Methodist Centre, the objective of the workshop was to encourage board members and co-ordinators or representatives of the Glowing Years Ministry (GYM) in TRAC churches to emulate the leadership style of Jesus as seen in the Scriptures. The ultimate aim is to equip them to be more effective leaders in their respective GYM ministries in their local churches.

The workshop was led by an experienced facilitator, Ms Hee Piang Chin, who was assisted by Mrs Tan Peck Yin. Th e response of the 28 participants was very encouraging.

The sessions were interactive, with the GYM leaders actively participating in every segment of the programme. The participants had a satisfying and stimulating time learning to follow the footsteps of Jesus as a servant leader.

The four domains of a leader were highlighted. They are: the Heart (the intentions and motivations of a leader), the Head (beliefs about leadership and influence), the Hands (methods and behaviour of a leader), and the Habits (daily disciplines to keep focused on leading like Jesus).

The board hopes that the workshop will be a catalyst for the development and manifestation of servant leadership, modelling after Jesus, at all levels of leadership in the GYM ministries in the local churches.

Reginald Lim is the Chairman of the Seniors Ministry Committee of Living Waters Methodist Church and a member of the Trinity Annual Conference Board of Seniors Ministry.

