In December 2020, the Trinity Annual Conference (TRAC) Board of Seniors Ministry (BOSM) organised a class to help our seniors handle anxiety. The eight sessions were based on the LifeGuide Bible studies on anxiety by Skip McDonald.
After completing the class, participants realised the Bible is the only and best guide for all life’s problems. Meditation classes and medication are quick fixes, but nothing beats resting in our God with simple faith. Regardless of how we feel, the sovereign God is with us and will give us His peace and strength.
Some participants’ reflections
“When I saw the word ‘anxiety’, I thought a professor from the Institute of Mental Health would cover meditation techniques or medication. To my surprise, I found Pastor Irene conducting the class. I was awed by her teaching. She shared countless testimonies without reservation, especially when covering the topic of ‘forgiveness’. I have been edified and encouraged by her sharing and teaching, and share with others whenever I have the opportunity to do so.”
—Lim Gek Ee (Trinity Methodist Church [MC])
“This course showed me how I can find comfort and rely on God in times of anxiety, both for mental and physical health. The course contents led me to understand that I need to do my part to commit the keys of understanding God’s help and reassurances to live a God-blessed, anxiety-free lifestyle.
In short, this course is compact, easy and helpful for guiding us to walk closer with God for His comfort and hope in our times of need!”
—Wong Chow Ling (Aldersgate MC)
“I thank God for giving me the time and strength to go through this study. I am grateful to Pastor Irene for her openness in ingesting her past and present testimonies to make the study so lively, applicable and transforming with all the tips for how to take hold of God’s Word to deal with different life situations.”
—Rosalind Hia (Living Waters MC)
“I learned that God loves me so much that whatever anxiety I have, I should not take things into my own hands but to commit it immediately to God in prayer, be still and wait upon Him. I enjoyed Pastor Irene’s class very much. She is very encouraging and transparent, sharing her personal testimonies and miracles, which always uplifted me. So, whenever I am anxious, I remember her sharing and teaching. I am then able to experience peace that God is in control and He will deal with my situation in His time.”
—Jenny Tan (Toa Payoh MC)
“It’s a very good recap for me, especially for Psalm 23. I am also very much inspired and encouraged by Pastor Irene’s teaching and testimonies shared during lessons.”
—Melissa Goh (Living Hope MC)
“My take home from each lesson is akin to having a booster jab of encouragement from the truths hidden in the Bible. I appreciate the sharing of authentic, real life experiences and fine examples of how decisions were arrived at after prayer and waiting on God and applications of principles in God’s Word.”
—Ng Tik Tiu (St Andrew’s Cathedral)
The Rev Irene Thung is the Director of TRAC Board of Seniors Ministry (BOSM). / Photos courtesy of TRAC BOSM