Bishop Dr Wee Boon Hup delivered two sermons on being agents of change, drawing from the Beatitudes, at the Opening and Closing Services of the 39th Session of Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference (ETAC) at Sembawang Tamil Methodist Church.
“It is our action, and not merely our presence, that will enrich and brighten up the environment we are in,” declared the Bishop. He emphasised that we should be like salt that enriches its environment, and our good works like lights that transform (Matt 5:13-16).
Salt changes its environment through the action of tiny salt crystals. Wherever a single salt crystal penetrates, it does its work. Said Bishop Dr Wee: “Every one of us who is a Methodist, a believer in Christ, is a salt crystal – thrown in to that environment… change the place where you are planted.”
Cultivating the traits in the Beatitudes (Matt 5:1-16) will help us in this aspect.
For example, people with the attitude of meekness (Matt 5:5), defined as strength in gentleness, will be blessed in being able to effect change, hence determining the course of events on earth.
Another example: The righteous shall be satisfied (Matt 5:6), not when they accomplish something, but when they see others receiving the good effects of righteousness.
Finally, peacemakers (Matt 5:9) are reconcilers, agents that enable people to be reconciled to God and with one another. We have to address issues of division, animosity, and enmity, and bring opposing parties together as a testimony to the rest of society.
— Chia Hui Jun and Grace Toh