ANGLO-CHINESE JUNIOR COLLEGE (ACJC) is happy that the class of 2011 has achieved excellent results for its GCE A-Level,outperforming the previous four cohorts under the revised curriculum.
Based on the Ministry of Education (MOE) indicator of “percentage of candidates obtaining at least three H2 passes, with a pass in GP or KI”, 96.1 per cent of our 894 students achieved this, surpassing the national standard of 90.8 per cent. In terms of distinctions, 27.4 per cent of students obtained three distinctions or more for their H2 subjects, a steady improvement from 21.8 per cent in 2008, to 22.3 per cent in 2009, and 23.2 per cent in 2010.
A total of 245 students attained at least three H2 Distinctions as compared to 192 students in 2010. e University Admission Score has also improved from 79.4 for 2010 to 80.4 for 2011. is will put the students in good stead especially in their applications to the local universities.
In addition, 2011 saw the highest percentage of students achieving at least three H2 distinctions compared to past years. One student obtained eight distinctions, and 26 students had seven distinctions. is is more than three times the number the previous year. Seventy-seven students had six distinctions and this compares well with the previous year’s 51, while 79 students scored five distinctions comparing well with 53 previously.
ACJC is pleased with the A- level results as they come close on the heels of validation received in 2010 from external organisations and MOE Divisions. At that exercise, the college was awarded the Best Practice Awards for Teaching and Learning; for Student All-Round Development; and for Staff Well-being. ACJC also received the Outstanding Development Awards for Character Development and for National Education. The college was re-certified with the Singapore Quality Class Award and finally presented the MOE pinnacle award of the School Excellence Award.
The education at ACJC is not only about excelling academically. ACJC is inspired by the vision to develop young people of noble Ambition and Character, for the Service of God and nation. It is about developing the ideal ACJC student who is developed cognitively, physically, aesthetically, socially, morally, emotionally and in leadership. We give God all glory and praise for His faithfulness to the college.