Being a Methodist means I have been adopted and connected to a large and loving family of God.
While I was brought up a Christian, I was not brought up a Methodist. It was after I met my wife that I decided to sink roots in her home church, a Methodist church. When God called me to full time pastoral ministry, the church supported me wholeheartedly and invested in me and in my studies at Trinity Theological College.
What struck me about Methodist connectionalism was that the local church supported me knowing that if I applied to the pastoral ministry, it might mean that I would be eventually sent out to serve in the Trinity Annual Conference and that I may not return to serve the local church.
It was during this time that I truly understood what it meant to serve the larger body of Christ as The Methodist Church in Singapore. I experienced generosity that gave without asking for anything in return except that I fulfil my calling in the Lord. I am truly blessed by my Methodist family.
Being Methodist to me means to experience and show to others this radical love of Jesus, to give of our money, time and ourselves without expectation of reciprocity, because we are in a large family of God.
I really enjoy the times when local churches come together, be they at our Annual Conferences or at events where we see members of different churches work to serve and reach out together. This Christian unity paints a beautiful picture of the family of God.
Pastor Jeremy Yap is an Assistant Pastor at Aldersgate Methodist Church.