The 2022 edition of The Book of Discipline of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS) is now available.
The rule-book of the denomination, it is a guide for Methodist ministers, laymen and officials in their various ministries. Containing important aspects of the life of the Methodist Church, it includes its Constitution, its Doctrinal statements and General Rules, its Social Principles and how the Church is organised and administered through its Conference structures.
The 2022 edition of The Book of Discipline (BOD) incorporates the amendments made by the General Conference since the last edition was published in 2017. Most of the amendments were made by the General Conference during its quadrennial regular session in 2020. This 323-page edition of the BOD comprises the laws and doctrines of MCS and includes our Constitution, Doctrinal Statements and General Rules, Social Principles, and the organisational rules for the Church in Singapore at all levels.
Published by the Discipline Revisions Commission of MCS, the BOD 2022 edition is priced at SGD25 a copy. If you are interested in purchasing a copy of the BOD, please write to or call +65 64784786 for more information.
Those who have purchased the print edition of the BOD 2022 may register their interest to receive ONE digital copy of the BOD at no additional cost by following the instructions provided in the accompanying letter enclosed with the BOD print edition.
Sample excerpts from The Book of Discipline …