
Yearly Monthly Weekly Daily List
March 2025

Art of Marriage (PLMC)

PLMC Family Life Ministry invites you and your spouse to a marriage retreat! Besides providing a space and activities for you and your spouse to enjoy a meaningful retreat, connect with like-minded couples who share your passion to build strong marriages through all seasons of life.
13 Mar

Morning Sing (MSM)

Morning Sing is designed to promote well-being, strengthen intergenerational bonds, and foster social connections through singing and music-making activities with family and friends. Repertoire will include both secular and Christian music. Participants will have opportunities to perform at MSM events (e.g. anniversary celebrations).
14 Mar
10:30 am - 11:30 am
Methodist School of Music
496 Upper Bukit Timah Road, John Wesley Centre, Singapore 678099


MSM's new dance class, conducted by Prancing Giraffes, welcomes children of all abilities aged 4-8 to connect with each other through dance. Children will: • Learn teamwork • Learn foundational ballet techniques, and a variety of dance genres • Prepare for two public performances each year
24 Mar
5:30 pm - 12:00 am
Methodist School of Music
496 Upper Bukit Timah Road, John Wesley Centre, Singapore 678099

MethodistWalk 2025 (MSF)

The Methodist Schools' Foundation (MSF), together with 15 Methodist schools in Singapore, will be holding its biennial fundraising walk on 29 March 2025. Funds raised will help provide financial assistance and bursaries to needy students, construct, maintain and improve the school buildings and facilities of the Methodist schools in Singapore, as well as enable purchase of educational equipment and teaching aids.
29 Mar
7:30 am - 10:30 am
Anglo-Chinese Junior College
25 Dover Close East Singapore 139745


A fundraising preview screening of The King of Kings organised by Celebrate Christmas in Singapore (CCIS). The King of Kings is a cinematic retelling of the book by Charles Dickens, The Life of Our Lord. Charles Dickens shares with his son, Walter, the greatest story ever told—one that begins as a simple bedtime tale but transforms into a profound, life-changing journey. Through the power of imagination, the boy finds himself walking alongside Jesus, witnessing his miracles, enduring his trials and ultimately understanding his sacrifice.
29 Mar
11:00 am
April 2025

Sound 101 for Newbies (MSM)

Sound 101 is a hands-on course for church sound teams—perfect for beginners! Learn sound fundamentals, practice live mixing, explore mixers & equipment, learn EQ & compression, and troubleshoot with confidence.
05 Apr
10:00 am - 11:30 am
Methodist School of Music
496 Upper Bukit Timah Road, John Wesley Centre, Singapore 678099

The Contemporary Hymn Player (MSM)

Want to improve your hymn accompaniment? This course will show you how to create effective piano accompaniments for key parts of a traditional liturgical service. Designed for pianists with at least 2–3 years of experience playing or serving in church.
07 Apr
7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
Methodist School of Music
496 Upper Bukit Timah Road, John Wesley Centre, Singapore 678099

Holy Week Services 2025 (One MCS)

Reflections from Isaiah 56-58 by Bishop Dr Gordon Wong (in English with Mandarin translation) on 25, 26 and 27 March 2024. Praises & Prayers led by pastors from the three Annual Conferences.
14 Apr
8:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Kum Yan Methodist Church
Kum Yan Methodist Church, 1 Queen Street, Singapore 188534


Companions in Christ is a small-group experience in spiritual formation. Over 28 sessions, participants will learn to embrace the journey of faith, feed on God’s Word, deepen their prayers, respond to God’s call and explore spiritual guidance. Conducted as a centralised class for the first time under the auspices of Disciple Agency. Class is open to members from all Methodist churches.
21 Apr
7:30 pm - 9:30 pm
May 2025


The Special Needs Ministry Conference is a one-day event designed for church leaders, laypersons, and individuals interested in exploring disability inclusion. This event provides a low-barrier, low-commitment opportunity to gain biblical, theological, and practical insights into creating a disability-inclusive church. This event is especially suitable for church leaders and members who are new to the concept of disability inclusion or are considering how to integrate these principles into their ministries.
31 May
9:00 am - 6:00 pm
Bukit Panjang Methodist Church
496 Upper Bukit Timah Road, John Wesley Centre, Singapore 678099
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