
For God so loved [me] that he gave his one and only son

Percy (third from right), with her late mother (second from right) and family

My parents separated when I was a young child. My late mum worked two jobs to raise me singlehandedly. As I was often alone and feeling lonely, she decided to let me attend Sunday school at Geylang Chinese Methodist Church located just across from our house, although she was not a Christian. She also enrolled me in Geylang Methodist Girls’ School, her alma mater, hoping that I would learn the right values and develop good character.

When I was eight years old, my Sunday school teacher shared the gospel with me by asking me to read John 3:16 personalised with my name: “For God so loved Percy that he gave his one and only son …”. I was deeply moved that someone would love me so much and be willing to die on the cross for my sins. No one had ever demonstrated such great love for me, and my immediate response was, “Thank you, Jesus. I want you to come into my life and be my friend.”

I’ve often struggled with my parents’ separation and questioned whether marriage was something I wanted to consider.  I am grateful to my Sunday school teachers at church and Christian teachers at school who cared for my welfare and often invited me to share meals with their families. Witnessing strong marriages and what a Christian home could be like gave me the hope and courage to start my own family. Today, I serve on the CAC Board of Family Life, in my church’s Family Life Ministry, and with Focus on the Family Singapore, to help strengthen marriages and families and to be a witness of God’s love.

Percy Low worships at Charis Methodist Church and serves in the Family Life Ministry and as a Cell Group Leader and Local Preacher. She also serves in CAC Board of Family Life and Counselling Ministry. / Photo courtesy of Percy Low

