Missions, Outreach

MMS 30th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service

MMS 30th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service
We were blessed by Awaken Generation’s spirit-led Praise and Worship

The Methodist Missions Society (MMS) was established on 30 Sep 1991 as the missions agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS). MMS’s 30th Anniversary last year served as an occasion for us to reflect on God’s faithfulness and blessings over the past three decades. It was also a call for us to focus on His Spirit at work among us today and provided an opportunity to look to Him to lead and direct us in the years to come.

As part of MMS’s 30th Anniversary Celebration, a Thanksgiving Service was held at Faith Methodist Church on the first Sunday in Advent, 28 Nov 2021, to celebrate God’s faithfulness over the past 30 years.

MMS Executive Director Rev Derrick Lau and Field Director Col (Ret) Quek Koh Eng warmly welcomed about 100 guests who gathered on site and another 100 online. Their welcome was followed by the talented Awaken Generation team ushering everyone into God’s presence with their melodious voices and Spirit-led worship.

The Presidents and representatives of the three MCS Annual Conferences then led congregrants in the Litany of Mission and Prayers of Thanksgiving for God’s goodness and faithfulness to MMS over the years. After MMS Chairman Mr Alvin Tan read the Scripture passage from Matthew 9:31–38, Bishop Dr Gordon Wong, with his usual eloquence and yet down-to-earth manner, gave an inspiring sermon entitled “Spreading the News?” Bishop Wong spoke about how we need to learn to spread the Good News of the Gospel “silently” as taught by our Lord Jesus, without losing its impact and importance.

We were moved by the video about the Little Candles Methodist School in Thailand as we saw how the teachers, despite limited resources, managed to touch the lives of the many children there. In his address, Rev Lau used the video and other examples to relate how MMS has impacted many lives in Cambodia, East Asia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. He gave glory and honour to God for mobilising our local Methodist churches to pray, give and send missionaries and volunteers to these peoples and nations. Rev Lau encouraged all to continue to partner MMS in the years to come.

Before the offering was taken, the Pastor-in-Charge of Faith Methodist Church, Rev Reuben Ng, encouraged us to give generously to the Little Candles Methodist School project and the MMS General Fund. Daniel and Peixin from Grace Methodist Church rendered a special anthem in music and song during the offering time. At the close of the service, Bishop Wong gave the Benediction.

COVID-19 restrictions may have limited the number of people allowed to celebrate on site at Faith Methodist Church, but they did not stop the many who participated online, including the President of The Methodist Church in Cambodia, Rev Lun Sophy, and many missionaries, national pastors, and leaders on the field. In addition, there were almost 500 online views after the service.

My deepest appreciation goes to all our speakers, distinguished guests, pastors, leaders, volunteers, intercessors, past and present MMS Executive Committee and Sub-Committee Members, staff, missionaries, friends, and family for joining us on the momentous occasion. My heartfelt gratitude also goes to the MMS Team and the Organising Team led by Grace Chung—they worked tirelessly yet joyfully to put together a meaningful and memorable Thanksgiving Service. To God be the glory!

Col (Ret) Quek and Rev Derrick Lau welcoming the guests
Rev Reuben Ng leading the Responsive Call to Worship
Praise and worship by Awaken Generation
Litany for the Mission of the Church by Rev Philip Abraham
Bishop Dr Gordon Wong delivering his impactful message to serve silently
Dr Christopher Cheah giving thanks and acknowledging the love and support of everyone for the past 30 years
MMS celebrating God’s faithfulness

Dr Christopher Cheah is an Exco member of the Methodist Missions Society (MMS) and the Chairman of the MMS 30th Anniversary Taskforce. / Photos courtesy of MMS

