“In my faithfulness I will reward my people and make an everlasting covenant with them. Their descendants will be known among the nations and their offspring among the peoples. All who see them will acknowledge that they are a people the Lord has blessed.” (Isa 61:8b–9)
These words of the prophet Isaiah written almost 3,000 years ago are being fulfilled among the peoples and nations with whom Methodist Missions Society (MMS) has been working since it was established on 30 Sep 1991 as the missions agency of The Methodist Church in Singapore (MCS).
MMS currently works in Cambodia, East Asia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Timor-Leste and Vietnam. We praise God for peoples brought to the saving knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ, pastors trained, churches planted, schools established and community development projects started in these nations.
We also praise Him for mobilising our local Methodist churches to pray, give and send short- and long-term missionaries and volunteers to these peoples and nations. Looking back over the past 30 years, the Lord has indeed blessed MCS through MMS, and in turn allowed His blessings to flow to these peoples and nations. They are truly people the Lord has blessed!
In gratitude for His blessings and to celebrate our 30th Anniversary this year, a task force comprising MMS staff and Exco members has been formed to plan a year-long celebration from Sep 2021 to Aug 2022.
30th Anniversary Testimonies Project
To kick off the celebration, 30 testimonies and stories from retired MMS missionaries and long-time volunteers will be compiled into a Singaporean picture of God’s faithfulness in missions over the past 30 years. Many are untold stories of how MMS started and MMS’ pioneering works in these nations. The articles will appear on the MMS website over the next few months before being compiled into a book or a digital format. Do look out for these inspiring and heart-warming stories!
30th Anniversary Thanksgiving Service
In view of COVID-19 restrictions, instead of a fund-raising banquet, a Thanksgiving Service will be organised to celebrate God’s faithfulness to MMS over the past three decades. It will be held at Faith Methodist Church on the first Sunday in Advent, 28 Nov 2021. Bishop Dr Gordon Wong will bring words of exaltation and the three Annual Conferences will be invited to present items to celebrate the partnership of their local churches with MMS over the years. There will also be sharing from the mission fields to testify to His goodness and faithfulness, as well as opportunity to give towards the Little Candles School Building Project and the MMS General Fund. Stay tuned for more details regarding how you and your church can be part of this celebration.
30th Anniversary Leaders’ Summit
To round off the year-long celebration, key leaders of MMS including staff, Exco members, chairpersons, and representatives of sub-committees will gather in August 2022 for a time of retreat and vision casting as we look back on what the Lord has done and look forward to what He will do in MMS over the next decade and more. We pray for a fruitful time of worship, prayer, sharing and planning as we spend time hearing from the Lord of the Harvest on His heart for MMS and the nations.
The prophet Isaiah concluded Chapter 61 with these words: “…the Sovereign Lord will make righteousness and praise spring up before all nations.” As we remember His blessings on the nations through MMS over the past 30 years, may this be our prayer for the nations where MMS will be involved in for the next 30 years and beyond!
Dr Christopher Cheah is a member of the MMS Exco and Chairman of the MMS 30th Anniversary Task Force. / Photos courtesy of MMS