Seletar Tamil Methodist Church (SELTMC) has a rich 85-year history. Our forefathers—the Rev Subramanian, the Rev S. M. Thevathasam, and the Rev Pakianathan—were fervent and resilient in building a church to minister to the Indians living in the vicinity of Seletar Airbase. Their tireless efforts and prayers resulted in SELTMC’s continued existence through the years.
Although the church does not have a permanent place of worship, God has been gracious in providing various locations for the congregation to gather for services. They have met at Seletar Airbase, Abundant Grace Presbyterian Church, Syrian Orthodox Church, Salem Chapel and St George’s Chapel.
SELTMC aspires to involve all its members in building the Lord’s Kingdom. Thus, the church’s theme for the year is, “Come, Let Us Rebuild”. The church’s vision is “To grow in His Word and to preach the Good News of God’s Kingdom that transforms lives”. These are vital pillars for the church. We are encouraged to grow in the Word to enjoy an intimate relationship with our Saviour. Next, as Christ’s ambassadors, we are tasked to preach the Good News to the lost so that they too could taste God’s sweetness. Lastly, Christ’s Great Commission compels us to be determined in transforming lives by making disciples.
In the past year, the church has focused on evangelism. For example, in December, SELTMC collaborated with its Bedok preaching point to share the joy of Jesus’ birth with 65 non-Christian families. The households were blessed with words of encouragement and welfare packs. The families were also invited to the Carol Service organised by SELTMC and its preaching point. We continue to minister to these families and bring them towards Christ.
Amidst the unprecedented challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic, our Lord has remained faithful and enabled us to grow in unity. For instance, when members could not gather in church for the weekly prayers, they met virtually via Zoom for prayer. Furthermore, the different ministries, such as the Sunday School ministry, Methodist Youth Fellowship (MYF) and the Women’s Society of Christian Service (WSCS), conducted their respective programmes over Zoom. Using virtual applications for church events was novel to the members, but they have grown familiar with them and actively participate in the events.
SELTMC has witnessed myriad challenges over the years, but our Refuge, the Lord Almighty, has never failed to carry us through each tumultuous period. God is SELTMC’s head, and we earnestly seek His will for growing the church He has graciously blessed us with.
Seletar Tamil Methodist Church
(Emmanuel Tamil Annual Conference)
63 Cranwell Rd Singapore 509851
9180 9052 (The Rev Saravanakumar, Pastor-in-charge)
Sunday Services
Service 1: 8.00 a.m. to 8.45 a.m.
Service 2: 9.15 a.m. to 10.00 a.m.
Service 3: 5.00 p.m. to 5.45 p.m.
On-site services have resumed, subject to a cap of 50 attendees. Please call the Rev Saravanakumar to register attendance slot.
Bible study and prayer sessions via ZOOM
Bible Study
Wednesdays: 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
Friday – 8.00 p.m. to 9.00 p.m.
ZOOM link will be provided. Please contact the Rev Saravanakumar for details.
Deborah David is a member of Seletar Tamil Methodist Church (SELTMC) / Photos courtesy of SELTMC